Development of the space-born observations

(Development of the plasma wave receiver equipped with JUICE)

One of the roles of Staff is to make a long-term investment, i.e., to work hard on tasks that do not produce immediate results. With your help, we have been responsible for the development of the following projects, especially the electric and radio wave observation equipment and data processors.

Hisaki / Exceed (launched successfully in September 2013! On going)
Geospace explorer ERG (launched in 2016)
BepiColombo (launched in 2017,scheduled for 2024-2026 in orbits)
ESA JUICE (launch in 2022,scheduled for 2029-2031 in orbits)

In parallel, he is participating in the following missions as a co-researcher

NASA’s Mars orbiter MAVEN (launched in 2014)
ESA ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (launched in 2016)

We are also participating in the study of Japan’s Mars mission, which is scheduled for 2024. These are all long-lasting tasks, but let us all do our best, accumulating “work that is close to the results,” such as observation and research using telescopes and overseas probes, theoretical research using numerical models, and basic development of observational instruments.
