Doctoral Thesis
Shungo Koyama, Photochemical production of formaldehyde and its stable carbon isotope evolution on early Mars (小山 俊吾, 初期火星におけるホルムアルデヒドの光化学生成と安定炭素同位体進化)[ thesis / presentation ]
2022FY (March 2023)
Yuki Nakamura, Simulation of the Martian diffuse auroral emissions and photochemistry induced by solar energetic particles (中村 勇貴, 太陽高エネルギー粒子が引き起こす火星のディフューズオーロラと大気光化学反応の数値シミュレーション研究)[ thesis / presentation ]
Nao Yoshida, Variations of the Martian middle atmosphere and their influence on composition in the upper atmosphere (吉田 奈央, 火星中層大気の変動と上層大気組成に及ぼす影響)[ thesis / presentation ]
2021FY (March 2022)
Arihiro Kamada, Simulations of valley network formation on early Mars during the late Noachian and early Hesperian by fluvial and subglacial erosions (鎌田有紘, 河川及び氷河の侵食による後期ノアキス紀から前期ヘスペリア紀の初期火星におけるバレーネットワークの形成に関するシミュレーション)[ thesis / presentation ]
2020FY (March 2021)
Kosuke Takami, Retrieval of wind velocity in Venusian nightside mesosphere from CO2 absorption observed by mid-infrared heterodyne spectroscopy (高見M康介, 中間赤外ヘテロダイン分光によるCO2吸収線を用いた金星中間圏夜面風速の導出)[ thesis / presentation ]
2018FY (March 2019)
Sae Aizawa, Transport and energization of planetary ions in the magnetospheric flanks of Mercury (相澤紗絵, 水星磁気圏側面における惑星起源イオンの輸送および加速の研究)[ thesis / presentation ]
2017FY (September 2017)
MAHANI, Mona Esmaeli, Tropospheric ozone over the Middle East, long-term changes, chemistry dependency of trends, and feasibility study for proposed future synergetic satellite observations (マハニ, モナ・エスマイリ, 中東における対流圏オゾンの長期変動とそれに含まれる化学, および対流圏オゾン衛星観測のフィージビリティ検討)[ thesis / presentation ]
2016FY (March 2017)
Naoki Takahashi, Evolution and propagation of electric fields during magnetospheric disturbances based on multiple spacecraft and ground-based observations (高橋直子, 地上-衛星複数同時観測による磁気圏擾乱時の電場発達・伝搬過程)[ thesis / presentation ]
2013FY (March 2014)
Shohei Aoki, Study of Trace Gases in the Martian Atmosphere by Infrared Spectroscopy (青木翔平, 赤外分光観測による火星大気微量成分の研究)[ thesis / presentation ]
Kei Masunaga, Oxygen Ion Outflow from Venus and the Mechanism of the Ion Acceleration (益永圭, 金星超高層における酸素イオン流出とイオン加速メカニズムの研究)[ thesis / presentation ]
2012FY (March 2013)
Takeru Uno, Vertical and horizontal structures of Jovian infrared aurora: Observations and newly development of echelle spectrometer (宇野健, 木星赤外オーロラの高度・水平構造:観測研究および新エシェル分光器の開発)[ Thesis / presentation ]
2011FY (March 2012)
Takao Sato, Scattering Properties of Jovian Cloud and Haze from Cassini Imaging Science Subsystem Limb-Darkening Observations (佐藤隆雄, Cassini ISSデータを用いた木星エアロゾルの散乱特性に関する研究)[ thesis / presentation ]
Naoya Hoshino, GCM simulations of the atmospheric coupling between the Venusian lower atmosphere and thermosphere through atmospheric waves (星野直哉, 大気波動を介した金星熱圏-下層大気結合の数値シミュレーション)[ thesis / presentation ]
2010FY (March 2011)
Kozo Yamashita, Study on the global and Asian lightning activity based on the observation of ELF/VLF sferics (山下幸三, ELF/VLF帯空電観測に基づいた全球・アジア域の落雷活動に関する研究)[ presentation ]
2008FY (March 2009)
Chihiro Tao, Numerical studies of Jupiter’s magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling current system (垰千尋, 木星磁気圏・電離圏・熱圏結合電流に関する数値研究)
2007FY (March 2008)
Yoshitaka Okazaki, Three dimensional anisotropy and density gradient of galactic cosmic rays measured by global muon detector network (グローバルミューオン計ネットワークにより観測される銀河宇宙線の異方性と密度勾配の3次元構造)[ abstract / thesis / presentation ]
Rajmohan Kombiyil, On the nature of DP fields during disturbances in geospace – Characterization & Modeling (ジオスペースにおける擾乱時のDP場の性質の研究-特性の解明とモデル化)[ abstract / thesis / presentation ]
2006FY (March 2007)
Toru Adachi, Electrodynamical processes in sprites derived from FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL measurements (FORMOSAT-2衛星ISUAL観測によるスプライト電気力学過程の研究)[ abstract ]
Hiromu Nakagawa, Heliospheric interaction between solar wind and local interstellar cloud derived from observation of interplanetary Lyman alpha emission (惑星間空間水素散乱光観測による太陽風・星間物質相互作用の研究)[ abstract ]
Yasutaka Hiraki, Numerical studies of physical and chemical processes in sprite discharges (スプライト放電の物理過程及び化学過程に関する理論数値シミュレーション)[ abstract ]
Jun Yoshida, Development of the PLANET-C Lightning and Airglow camera and telescope observations of the Venus cloud structure (PLANET-C搭載雷・大気光カメラの開発及び金星雲構造の地上望遠鏡観測)[ abstract ]
Takeshi Sakanoi, Dynamical coupling processes between neufrals and ions in the polar thermosphere obtailled from Fabry-Perot imaging and radar observations (ファブリー・ペロー撮像とレーダー観測による極域熱圏の中性大気-イオン力学結合過程)[ abstract ]
2004FY (March 2005)
Yoshinori Yamada, Invesligation of small-scale gravity waves observed in the Antarctic sodium nightglow (南極上空のナトリウム夜間大気光中に観測される小規模大気重力波の研究)[ abstract ]
2003FY (March 2004)
Mitsuteru Satoh, Global lightning and sprite activities and their solar activity dependences (グローバルな雷・スプライト活動と太陽活動依存性に関する研究)[ abstract ]
Ryuho Kataoka, Transient magnetospheric response to solar wind discontinuities (太陽風不連続に対する磁気圏過渡応答) abstract ]
2002FY (March 2003)
Yoshiyuki Takahashi, Effects of topography and diumal tide on the atmospheric circulation of Mars (火星の大気循環に対する地形と一日潮汐波の効果に関する研究)[ abstract ]
2001FY (March 2002)
Kazuyo Sakanoi, Studies on the generation mechanisms of flickering auroras using high-speed imaging photometer observation (高速イメージングフォトメータ観測によるフリッカリングオーロラ発生機構の研究)[ abstract ]
2000FY (March 2001)
Yuichi Itoh, Remote sensing of the Geocorona and exosphere using the NOZOMI Ultra-Violet Imaging Spectrometer (のぞみ探査衛星紫外撮像分光計による地球コロナ外気圏のリモートセンシング)[ abstract ]
1997FY (March 1998)
Masahiro Okabayashi, A study on balloon-borne optical sensors for ozone measurements in the upper stratosphere (上部成層圏オゾン観測用気球搭載光学センサーの研究)[ abstract ]
Tomonori Kotake, Stratospheric ozone variations over eastern Siberia related to the Arctic ozone depletion (北極域オゾン破壊に伴う東シベリア上空の成層圏オゾン変動)
1996FY (March 1997)
Yukihiro Takahashi, Studies on proton aurora dynamics using a monochromatic all-sky imaging technique (単色全天イメージングによるプロトンオーロラダイナミクスの研究)[ abstract ]
Minoru Kubota, A study on middle-scale variations of thermospheric neutral winds associated with auroral activity over Syowa station, Antarctica (南極昭和基地におけるオーロラ活動に伴う熱圏中性風の中規模変動に関する研究)[ abstract ]
Michihiro Koide, Studies on the Antarctic ozone hole using infrared heterodyne spectroscopy (赤外レーザーヘテロダイン分光法による南極オゾンホールの研究)[ abstract ]
Hitoshi Fujiwara, Modeling of the mesosphere-thermosphere coupling system (中間圏・熱圏領域のモデリングに関する研究)[ abstract ]
1994FY (March 1995)
Makoto Taguchi, Studies on infrared remote sensing of stratospheric ozone and minor constituents by the laser heterodyne spectroscopy (レーザーヘテロダイン分光法による成層圏オゾン及び微量気体の赤外リモートセンシングの研究)[ abstract ]
Takuya Kawahara, A study on hydrogen/deuterium absorption cell technique for spacecraft observations of planetary atmospheres (飛翔体を用いた惑星大気観測のための水素/重水素吸収セル法の研究)[ abstract ]
Tsutomu Nagatsuma, Studies on field-aligned currents and Alfven waves in the poleward boundary region of the nightside auroral oval (夜側オーロラ・オーヴァル極側境界領域における沿磁力線電流とAlfven波動に関する研究)[ abstract ]
1992FY (March 1993)
Hideaki Nakajima, A study on auroral zone thermospheric neutral temperatures and winds using Fabry-Perot doppler imaging observations at Syowa station, Antarctica (南極昭和基地におけるファブリーペロードップラーイメージング観測によるオーロラ帯熱圏中性温度と風速に関する研究)[ abstract ]